Friday, November 9, 2007

I wonder...

She looks elegant,
standing onstage in a fiery red evening gown.
Her short blond hair swept back
She now resembles a woman
And not the ditzy country girl
people once knew
As she sings, an emotional story unfolds
She wonders if her mother, who was never there, ever thinks of her.

"I think about how it aint fair
That you weren't there to braid my hair
Like mothers do
You weren't around to cheer me on
Help me dress for my high school prom
Like mothers do
Did you think I didn't need you here
To hold my hand
To dry my tears
Did you even miss me through the years at all"

Her performance is so moving that she can barely
finish the song without tears streaming down her face.
She chokes out the last verse:
"I'm in Tennesse!"
The audience roars with cheers
jumping to their feet for a well deserved
standing ovation.
She finds herself viewing the performance
with tears streaming down her cheeks
It was as if the singer reached thru the television
and yanked on her heartstrings.
She thinks, "Noone should ever have to go through that."
A powerful performance, that neither the singer nor the viewer
will ever forget.

1 comment:

Regina Cassell said...

Yeah! It's week 13 and you have 12 posts. One for this week, and you are so close to magical 16 : )