Thursday, October 18, 2007

The thief in the blue sweatsuit

As she approaches the store,
A man comes bolting out the entrance door.
He's tall and wears a dark blue sweatsuit with
yellow stripes accenting the sides.
A baseball cap atop his head casts a shadow over his eyes.
He is carrying a huge television box in his hands
He is running towards her when she sees a lady
chasing after him yelling "Thief, thief!"
The man almost plows her over as he
makes his way to his red, souped up get-a-way car.
Not quite comprehending what's going on....
"Did he just steal that tv!?" she wonders.
She is struck in awe.
She talks to the lady at the entrance door.
"He ran right past me with a 27 inch Magnavox TV!"
Wow, she thought, he had some balls!
She could've tripped him or pulled out her mase
and saved the day.
But instead she was so dumbfounded by what was
going on, she did nothing.

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