Wednesday, August 22, 2007

This long journey called college.....

I am finally in my senior year of college and I could not be happier! I have worked so hard to get this far and I am proud of myself. Although, I know I have a whole year ahead of me, and it may be a LONG road, I feel like I can do it.
I have a 2 1/2 year old son who was and is a surprise blessing in my life. Without him, I don't think I may have worked as hard to get where I am right now. Because now I am not only thinking of my future, but a stable and positive future I can provide for him and my husband.
Throughout the past five or six years I have been in college, I have learned(and am still learning) many things about myself and the people around me. One important thing I have learned is who my true friends are. Those who have stuck by my side throughout my journey in college and still are my cheerleaders along the way. And, of course those who told me that I would not or could not complete college because I had my son in the middle of my junior year of college. Well, let's just say I will be rubbing my degree in their faces! But the thing I realize about those pessimistic people is they made me push myself. When someone tells me I can't do something, it only drives me to want to succeed more and prove them wrong.
I realize people like that are not my friends-just pessimestic people who challenged me... and I rose to the challenge and I am soon going to conquer them.

1 comment:

Regina Cassell said...

Good for you!

But, you have to avoid "I" in blog entries. Try writing this by briefly describing a point in your day where school and motherhood join.

Don't be afraid to use dialogue either.